Kylie Arkwookerum
Pormpuraaw Art and Culture CentreI was born in Aurukun, in the bush, which is my father’s country. I am Wik Mungkan. I lived in South Kendall River the first few years of my life and I went to school in Aurukun. The old people went to school to teach the kids language, culture and pass on our stories. I did home economics at school and we made coconut scrapper and other things. I have had 7 children but lost two, and four grandchildren. One of my children is here in Pormpuraaw and the rest are in Aurukun and Cairns. I have been here in Pormpuraaw for a long time on and off. I enjoy cooking and cleaning the yard. I started painting in the Art Centre in 2020 and I like it because I think about the old people, how they made hand baskets & dilly bags. I want to do many more paintings and I like spending time here at the Art Centre.