Baluk Arts

Autumn Spirit, 2014


  • 2014
  • Akua ink on watercolour paper
  • Catalog No: 56-170-14

These works are monotype prints and are a window into the moments of my life when fitting into a place, and sitting in my space. This is a place for listening and reflecting when I can see and listen with deeper understanding the spirit of peoples, the land and the environment of which I am of. These works are my totems, the possum my personal and the kangaroo my moiety. As they meet on paper they talk about the tucker and birds/feathers. They’re my guides, my spirits, they give me guidance and transparency in times of confusion. These animals are my mother my equal they are part of me. Together these symbols of water, plants, animals and spirits collectively support my identity, my family, my country, my language and culture, together they are me. My works were created after being inspired after meeting a Navajo artist Melanie Yazzie, of Colorado University who gave a demonstration of Akua Inks. These inks have changed my use in the printmaking process and have further developed the passion of printmaking.

Patrice Muthaymiles Mahoney is a proud Anaiwan Dunghutti/Ngayaywana and Kamilaroi woman. Patrice Mahoney Muthaymiles was recently awarded an OAM for service to the Indigenous community of Victoria. From her home in Wonthaggi she is an activist and advocate, a printmaker, sculptor, weaver, drawer and painter.
