Kodjokkodjok (Kodjok Brothers)


  • 71cm x 56cm
  • Catalog No: 1140-463-23

In the Dreamtime two Kodjok skin brothers went hunting near Kamarrgawon at a waterfall called Mernemerney, while their mother and father waited at a place called Anbadkayo where they all lived. They hunted a lot of small animals, but then the mother of the animals, Ngalyod, the rainbow serpent came out. They threw spears at her but couldn’t kill her. This made Ngalyod angry, so she ate them as punishment. When you see Burarr (Water Goanna) and Kedjebe (File Snake) at the waterfall today, these are the two kodjok brothers. It is said that Ngalyod still lives at the waterfall and that when you go fishing there you should never take more than five fish, otherwise Ngalyod will become angry. If you see the storm clouds gathering when you’re fishing there, you should pack your bags and go because otherwise Ngalyod will strike you and you might stay there with the two brothers.

Kuhni bu kunkare duninjh Kodjokkodjok bokenh nawu benedanginj benewam benewarlbom kore kunred Kamarrgawon benewam kore kukku kahbodjurrhbume kabolkngeyo Mernemerneyi dja ngalbadjan dja kornkumo benehni bindihmadbuni kured kabolkngeyo Anbadkayo kore birrihreddi birrihyoy.Kodjok bokenh benemey mankole berrewoneng beneburriweng beneyameng larrk.minj dowimeninj.wanjh benemarnbom ngalyod yidduy benmenebom benmenekuknguneng.Bu karrinan burarr dja kedjebe nakka wanjh benedanginj kodjokkodjok bokenh.Kore kahbodjurrhbume manbu kukku kanjdji kayo Ngalyod kumekke bu karridjare djenj karrimang nayahwurd minj nawern djenj karrimang wardi ngalyod kayiddung.Bu karrinan mandjewk kamhnamename kamhre  wanjh karridokmerren kured wardi ngalyod kanbun dja wardi karridjarrkdi kumekke nawu kodjokkodjok rowk benebokenh nawu benedanginj.


<!– Previous story: In the dream time two kodjok skinned brothers went hunting near Kamarrgawon at a waterfall, while their mother and father waited at a place called Unbygayo*.The brothers came across Ngalyod, the rainbow serpent and decide to try and kill her because they were so hungry. They threw spears at her but missed. This made Ngalyod angry, so she ate them as punishment.It is said that Ngalyod still lives at the waterfall and that when you go fishing there you should never take more than five fish, otherwise Ngalyod will become angry.

Nahni ngayolyolme bu korroko benebininjni Nawernwarre dja Nayahwurd.Namekk kodjokkodjok kondah kore ngabolkkuykme Gamarrkawarn kumekke kabolkngeyo Marnamarnayi.benewam mankole benyikang Kakadu area kumekke mankole benemyirurrndi.Wanjh nayahwurd nang Djorrkon namekke mayh djorrkon nawernwarre bom bebkeng kunwarderurrkbeh.kundjakkorl benemey beneburdebmeng wurlhmeng kunak Benewilkdi wilkdowkmeng kunmim nuye mimdowkmeng.Wanjh mandjewk djakduy bolkkerlwong benenang Ngalyod bebmeng benmenedorrokeng benmeneyibkeng kore mankabokimuk.Kalauk uyerrih benmenewehmeng namekke nayahwurd dja nawernwarre wanjh Burarr beneyimerranj mayh dja korroko benebininjni Kodjokkodjok.Bonj.
Anthony Murphy Director *Not correct spelling –>


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