Tharriyarrel (Rainbow), 2013


  • 80cm x 60cm
  • 2013
  • Natural Ochres on Canvas
  • Catalog No: 1106-129/13

Here the clouds have come out. It is starting to rain. Rain is falling from the sky. The rainbow stands high above.

The rainbow appears when it is raining in the wet season.

This nail tailed wallaby, a kind of little kangaroo, puts his tail down here in the ground and the rainbow comes out on us. The blue tongue lizard too, can stand up and make the rainbow. It is the red coloured kind of blue tongue lizard. Not the one with blue-green markings, only the red one. When she stands up she puts her tail down hard in the ground. Then this good thing, red, green and yellow, comes from her backside. She makes it good in the sky when it rains in the wet. It looks beautiful high up here when we look from the ground.

When the rainbow stands up it stops the very big rain that had been falling. She hunts the rain away and it stops.

“Don’t rain. Go that way.” She tells it “Go away over there and rain far away.”
