Worrwurr (Owl), 2024


  • 34cm x 11cm
  • 2024
  • milkwood and natural pigments
  • Catalog No: 3778153-24-84

The owl totem belongs to the Yirritja Moiety. It also belongs to other clans such as, Wangurri, Dhalwangu etc. & the Golpa clan sing about owls. The owls eyes depicts the traditional bush food, called Dingu which comes from the Cycad plant, the nuts are pounded, strained and made into a dough then wrapped by Paper Bark and baked in a ground oven.
Owls are smart and wise, they bring telepathic messages, telling us that something is going to happen, something good or bad in relation to our family. They also tell us, if a death has occurred amongst our family.

Yolŋu people have many totems that come from two Moiety groups, from the Dhuwa side & the Yirritja side.

They are mentioned in our songlines, about where it comes from and from where it travels from, to where its journey ends. We dance to imitate the animals walk, stance, flight and how it caws or makes a sound etc.
