Maku Dreaming, 2024


  • 152cm x 122cm
  • 2024
  • synthetic polymer on linen
  • Catalog No: 492-24

Kungka Kutjara ananyi tjukula. A long time ago two women went to apu katu, to the hill around Antara. They were singing inma (song) and hitting the rock with a punu (stick). Maku tjuta (a lot of witchetty grubs) came from the tree we call Maku Ilykuwara (Witchetty Bush).

When we go out to Antara and sing inma, we collect maku tjuta and other bush tucker the next day.

My auntie Milatjari Pumani taught me how to respect Maku Tjurkurpa for Mimili Community. I also teach my daughters what Maku Tjurkurpa means. I am proud to be custodian of that country.

Mimili Community is home to 300 Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara people who have been living in the area for millennia in harmony with nature and acting as custodians of the land and the Tjukurpa (creation stories). Mimili was formerly known as Everard Park, which was a cattle station that was returned to Aboriginal ownership through the 1981 APY Lands Act. Mimili Community was incorporated as an Aboriginal Community in 1975.
