Alison Burgu
Mowanjum Art and Culture CentreAlison is the second eldest daughter of Mowanjum artist and elder Statesman, Roger Burgu. As a six- year-old Alison appeared in Michael Edol’s award winning film LaiLai, which focuses on traditional Aboriginal Culture in the Worrorra homelands near Doubtful Bay.
Alison was born in Derby Hospital and educated in Derby, completing her secondary education in the early 1980s. She undertook work experience as a nurse’s aide and later a teacher’s aide, before securing permanent employment at the Holy Rosary School as a teacher’s aide.
She says of the eight year experience, “I learnt how things worked. How to work with the teachers and other aides, I was going to conferences in Broome, expanding myself and learning from others, learning how to make programs for children and how to teach. I made my own work for the children. It gave me a lot of skills. Nursing also helped me to care for the old, children and others in my community.”
When Alison had her daughter, she left town. Through the Community Employment Development Project Alison was offered the opportunity to make a contribution to her community and she entered the project as a trainee pre-school teacher.
Alison describes her first painting experience as “not good”. She adds, “I couldn’t draw anything, No good at drawing animals or Wandjina. Just couldn’t do it properly. I would look at other people’s work and would just keep doing it. I was making mistakes, the hands were too small, the head was too small. Just kept going, doing it again and again.”
When the community learnt to paint at the Mowanjum Hall, Alison leant to apply “different backgrounds and ways to use the paint.’ She adds, “I used old people’s style first (like in the caves) and now I have improved, and have my own way. I am satisfied where I am.”
“When my father and uncle were alive I heard lots of stories. I put them in the paintings. Stories were important. They taught us about culture. We can talk to our children about it. Culture needs to be strong in this community and our families.”
Alison’s father, Roger Burgu, was a church Minister for the Mowanjum community, “He did a lot of work with the people, speaking out for the community, speaking to Government. I was very close to him. I learnt from him, things that are very close to my heart, like showing fairness.”
In the book Mowanjum 50 years community history, a self published history by the Mowanjum artists about the Mowanjum Community, Roger Burgu writes, “Wudu is a discipline for the kids. If a kid goes to town, they won’t rob that lollie or cool drink. In wudu, that’s the way we train our kids. You can put smoke on the kids. That’s the Wandjina giving us that thing for our kids.”
Alison says the Wandjina is “like God. The Wandjina and God are alike. The culture and law together. That is my belief. In me there are two special parts. I will always keep these. Meaningful to me, you know.” Alison is also a Christian. ”I understand both sides.”
“The Wandjina helps us lead our lives in a good way. Our teenagers are reading about it, growing up with their culture. The knowledge put in their minds, settles them down, especially the young teenagers. It makes me happy to see them accept the meaning. We teach them about running their lives by touching their hearts and stopping the foolishness.”
Alison has visited her grandmother’s country, Worrorra, where she visited the Wandjinas in the caves. Alison remembers, “I felt right at home and relaxed. I remember my grandfather used to paint the Wandjinas, The paint had faded and he would repainted them. It’s old country and the old spirit. We are looking after him (the Wandjina). To go to the caves you need to have an old person with you, someone like Donny (Woolagoodja). You can’t just go there.”
Alison helps out at the annual Mowanjum Festival helping the children make totems, which are used as part of the ceremonial dress at the Festival. “In annual events like these, culture is passed down. We are proud of what we are doing at the art centre. As parents, we can see that the children know what they are doing and they know the meaning. They can see and feel it.”
Group Exhibitions:
2016 Darwin Art Fair.
Kimberley Art Prize.
Mowanjum Festival.
2015 Darwin Art Fair.
Kimberley Art Prize.
Mowanjum Festival.
2014 Darwin Art Fair.
Kimberley Art Prize.
Mowanjum Festival.
2013 Darwin Art Fair.
Kimberley Art Prize.
Mowanjum Festival.
2012 Shinju Matsuri Wandjina Budda Budding- Broome 6 Gallery.
Kimberley Art Prize.
Mowanjum Festival.
Darwin Art Fair.
2011 Mowanjum Festival.
Darwin Art Fair.
Kimberley Art Prize.
2010 Mowanjum Festival.
Kimberley Art Prize. Derby W.A
Darwin Art Fair.
2009 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre, Derby
2009 Kimberley Art Prize – Derby Western Australia
2008 Shinju Matsuri Wandjina Budda Budding – Broome 6 Gallery
2008 Kimberley Art Prize – Derby, W.A
2008 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre, Derby
2008 Cultural Connections – Artitja Art Gallery, Perth
2008 Spirit of the Wandjina – Shinju Matsuri Exhibition Broome 6 Gallery
2007 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre, Derby
2007 Arralululai Broome 6 Gallery
2007 Mowanjum Exhibition Woodford Dreaming Festival, QLD
2006 Spirit of the Wandjina – Governor Stirling Tower, Perth
2006 Power of the Wandjina Macquarie University Sydney
2005 Spirit of the Wandjina Broome 6 Gallery
2005 Keeping the Wandjinas Fresh- Exhibition and book launch – Alexander Library Perth
2005 Mowanjum Festival
2005 Mowanjum Exhibition Festival of the Dreaming Woodford, QLD
2004 Mowanjum Exhibition Sydney Dreaming Festival
2004 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Community
2003 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Community
2003 Spirit of the Wandjina, Harvey Bay QLD
2002 Visions from the Cave Sun Picture Theatre, Broome
2002 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Community
2001 Recent Works – Melbourne Spirit of the Wandjina Gallery
2001 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Community
2000 The Art of the Wandjina – Sydney Olympics Exhibition, NSW
2000 Spirit of the Wandjina – Compass Travel Postonja Slovenia
2000 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Community
2000 Spirit of the Wandjina Exhibition – Melbourne
1999 5th Telstra Art Award Museum and Art Gallery of the NT- Darwin
1999 Power of the Wandjina Telstra National Headquarters – Melbourne
1999 Recent Works Spirit of the Wandjina Gallery – Melbourne
1999 Power of the Wandjina – Governor Stirling Tower, Perth
1999 Spirit of the Wandjina Exhibition – Governor Place, Sydney
1999 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Community
1998 Spirit of the Wandjina – Telstra National Headquarters, Melbourne
1998 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Community
1998 Mowanjum Wandjina Art – Matzo’s Broome
1998 Spirit of the Wandjina – Grosvenor Place, Sydney
1997 Mowanjum Festival – Mowanjum Community
WA Tourism Web site – featured artist 2008
KAA collective of Kimberley artists – featured artist 2008/2009