Lance James
Bindi Mwerre Anthurre ArtistsLance James is a Pitjatjantjara man from Docker River. He paints ‘Kaltukatjara’, the surrounding country eight hours West of Alice Springs. Since he was a young boy, Lance painted the horses, bulls and cowboys that occupied his country and his childhood. His affinity with the horse is particularly evident, into which he imbues great movement, strength and grace. His familiarity with his subject matter allows him to capture the essence of a lifestyle long gone. Lance uses humour and sensitivity to explore a narrative of childhood adventure and a love of country.
Lance still lives at Docker River with his family but regularly comes to Alice Springs for respite and the opportunity to paint. He has been painting with the Mwerre Anthurre Artists since 2007 during which time his painting practice has continued to develop, drawing inspiration from creative influences around him such as the late Billy Benn Perrurle and fellow artists Adrian Robertson, Billy Kenda and Kukula McDonald.
Lance’s passion for the artistic process continues to grow as he experiments with new ways of recounting his memories and experience with country.