Papa Tjukurrpa – Dog Dreaming, 2022
$370.00 Ikuntji Artists -
Yalka at Karinyarra, 2022
$370.00 Ikuntji Artists -
Papa Tjukurrpa – Dog Dreaming, 2023
$2,370.00 Ikuntji Artists -
Papa Tjukurrpa – Dog Dreaming, 2023
$2,350.00 Ikuntji Artists -
Papa Tjukurrpa – Dog Dreaming, 2023
$310.00 Ikuntji Artists -
Papa Tjukurrpa – Dog Dreaming, 2021
$4,470.00 Ikuntji Artists

Pam Brown
Ikuntji ArtistsPam was born in Papunya in 1960 and grew up there attending the public school. She also attended Yirrara College in Alice Springs to further her education. Pam has two sons, Douglas Sampson and Taron Sampson and one daughter Kirralyn Sampson. Pam was taught to paint by her uncle Cameron Tjapaltjarri who was an acclaimed Papunya Tula Artist and by her aunt Leonie Kamutu, who still paints for Papunya Tjupi artist. Pam used to be a Health Worker in Kintore when she had a young family.
Pam Brown now lives and paints in Ikuntji (Haasts Bluff) and is one of Ikuntji Artists rising stars. Her beautiful diamond-shaped paintings are Papa Tjukurrpa – Dog Dreaming. It is of Niyuman, east of Kintore and it is secret men’s business. This was her father’s Tjukurrpa. She participated in 2022 in a textile design workshop, during which she developed her first fabric-by-the-metre design that depicts the ceremonial body paint of the men for the Papa Tjukurrpa ceremony.