Rita Pula Loy

Utopia Art Centre

I was born in Utopia. Utopia Homestead, in 1971. Growing up there, at Utopia area, my mother and father. Growing up with my mother in Mosquito Bore (Ilenty). And schooling there, Utopia, and Three Bore. I loved it. I went to school in Yirara college… In Alice Springs, then back to Arplarra.

Started painting, 2003. I saw my family, my niece, and my auntie. I did paintings too. Batik. Batik too when I was growing up there at Three Bore and here at Utopia. They were teaching with the batik.

My art works are sand hills, Utopia way, Mosquito Bore. My mother told me. My brother told me too, do painting. It’s Country, sand hills, through painting. Now, they’re going to follow me, my two granddaughters too.