Bush Potato Dreaming – Yarla Jukurrpa (Nakamarra, Napurrurla-kurlangu), 2019


  • 55cm x 55cm x 2.5cm
  • 2019
  • Synthetic Polymer Paint on Canvas
  • Catalog No: 1124-536-19

This dreaming belongs to Jakamarra/Jupurrurla and Nakamarra/Napurrurla groups. It is about yams, or bush potatoes (Warlpiri: yarla, ngamarna; Latin: Ipomea costata). They grow in the Mirrirdi area, east of Lajamanu. The women hunt for them regularly. The plant has long vines that spread out through the ground, and the potato grows on the vine. The vine is called wunju in Warlpiri. The women look for cracks in the ground that the vine has made, then dig down deep into the ground to find the bush potato. They are eaten cooked and have a sweet taste.


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