Baluk Arts



  • 42cm x 29cm
  • Inkjet print on Ilford Cotton Rag
  • Catalog No: 56-35-24

“This photo was taken in the Howqua Valley, on location with the property owners, who are custodians of a significant Taungurung Cultural site. My dear friend and co-founder for the Taungurung Land Council (who has now passed) and I were warmly welcomed into the home and lives of the property owners for two days. Our invite was partly rest and relaxation, sharing stories over food and wine as well as walking along these special places on the property. I have very fond memories of the day (for many reasons) and recognize the unique knowledge and connection these people held for their land, their openness and understanding of our connection to this ancient place and the responsibility taken on as caretakers and guardians for this special site. Connection to Country is about a deep understanding of the inter-relationship of the land and waterways that nurture all inhabitants. This knowledge is crucial for the ongoing health and survival for all environments now and for the generations to come. If one element is at risk, it may impact a whole ecosystem’s future survival. This photo was taken in mid-winter when the temperatures were low and rainfall was steady. The synergy of this photo shows the complex relationship between all the elements that must be present. Only these exact conditions for each one special element must be present for the other to grow and thrive, maintaining the continuum survival in their own specific and unique life cycle. We don’t always see or understand the connections to the soil, wood, macroinvertebrate elements, decay, moisture, light and temperature”.


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