Dhagandwulmirr ancestral shark


  • 70cm x 50cm
  • Acrylic on Canvas
  • Catalog No: 1077-21-652

This is a story for the Wagilak clan. The shark Dhagandwulmirr was swimming around hunting at Murrpangi where the saltwater and freshwater meet at a place in Blue Mud bay. He heard the signal from the pigeon Guguk, “gu gu”, that’s the sound that signals the tide coming in. He knew when to go there for good hunting. Gundawul (kangaroo) was there to drink and Dhagandwulmirr grabbed him and tore him to pieces. He took the pieces back with him to the Lutunba, his home, in Blue Mud bay. This happened in the Wangarr time maybe they were Yolngu. That shark is still there now.
