Emu Djang


  • 760cm x 510cm
  • Catalog No: 1140-8393-11

In the Beginning of Time, the Ancestral Beings often existed in the form of birds, fish, animals or reptiles. It was at this time that Gurdugadji, the Emu Ancestor, roamed across western Arnhem Land teaching Aboriginies various ceremonies and instructing them in the use of emu feathers for head-dresses and arm bands and how to paint the Emu Design on their bodies. Gurdugadji once had large wings with which he could fly. One day, however, two hunters, not realizing that he was the powerful Emu Ancestor, tracked Gurdugadji through the bushland with spear upraised to kill him. While fleeing the hunters, Emu crashed into a group of pine trees and broke his wings. However he still managed to run into a nearby water-hole, where he changed into Ngalyod the Rainbow Serpent. When the hunters came to this pool, Gurdugadji emerged and swollowed them. He then changed back into an emu only now he had shortened wings. As a result of this incident, emus can no longer fly but can only run through the bush flapping their wings. After heavy storms Emu Ancestor can be seen as a rainbow in the sky, recalling the time he changed into Ngalyod. Lorna Martin Director Injalak Arts & Crafts


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