Family Tree, 2024


  • 51cm x 71cm
  • 2024
  • Watercolour on paper
  • Catalog No: 1147-262-24

Albert Namatjira’s Family Tree

In the central circle I have painted Mt. Hemannsburg, which represents the country Albert Namatjira’s saw when he was growing up. The six circles around it represent Namatjira’s sons. The even smaller circles represent Namatjira’s grandchildren. This is our generation.

This painting points out to the Hermannsburg painting tradition that keeps going from generation to generation, from grandchildren to great-great grandchildren and so on. Namatjira transferred the watercolour painting skill to his sons, cousins and nephews, and they passed it down. He used to move around, he never painted the same country. He explored in a deep way every piece of land. He examined every hill and gumtree and shared the knowledge with his family.

Now today it’s our turn! We are continuing his legacy and we keep on going. The little gumtree leaves I painted throughout the work represent all our little ones, grandchildren and young ones coming through and growing on this sacred land.
