Fish Bones on Ghost Net, 2020


  • 75cm x 99cm
  • 2020
  • Acrylic on Belgian Linen
  • Catalog No: 1129-47-12

A disaster is occurring in the seas of NE Australia caused by abandoned fishing nets from unethical fishing practices. Due to the currents, these nets are most prevalent in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Torres Strait and near the Great Barrier Reef. They plague the ocean, destroying rich flourishing sea life, including many endangered species such as sea turtles. They also trap and kill sharks, sawfish, dolphins, whales and many fish species.

Made of plastic “ghost nets” are slow to degrade in the environment. As they drift they continue to catch and kill fish , eventually falling to the bottom of the sea  where they suffocate life on coral reefs and the sea bed. They also degrade the beach environment when they are washed up along the coastline.

My painting Fish Bones in Ghost Net represents how we find the nets on our beaches. They are full of the remains of the sea life that they destroy.


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