Kalpanu, 2018


  • 1200cm x 600cm
  • 2018
  • acrylic on linen
  • Catalog No: 2247-118-18

Pauline has painted one of her father’s story. Pauline’s father, Sunfly Tjampitjin was a senior custodian for country south of Balgo. The circle in the centre depicts a big lake called Kalpanu, a waniri, or rockhole featured in the centre of the painting. The country is near Lake Hazlett, south east of Balgo. It is Sunfly’s father’s dreaming country. Kalpanu is an important site for the native cat dreaming, who lived here and at the other rockholes of the area. The lines connecting the rockholes are the tracks that the ancestral cat took, which turned into kiliki, or creeks. Kalpanu is an important ceremonial site for Tingarri Men.