Minh Mont, 2023


  • 143cm x 117cm x 100cm
  • 2023
  • Ochre with binders on milkwood
  • Catalog No: 1158-248-23

Minh Mont is the Wik-Mungkan word for Jabiru (Xenorhynchus asiaticus). Now known officially as the Black-Necked Stork, it also goes by the name of ‘policeman bird’ and is the only Australian Stork. Mont is very tall with black and white feathers and red legs. They are usually found wandering alone around the sea shore or in the freshwater swamps. They sometimes hang out in pairs in the mangroves, mudflats and sandbanks.

Steve is an Apalech man from Cape Keerweer on the Southern Wik Lands. Minh Mont has always been in his repertoire of sculptural artforms that he produces from time-to-time. 


Artwork to be shipped at the customers expense