Muy Agamal Molar Rrark (My Big Yam Story), 2022


  • 66cm x 52cm
  • 2022
  • Etching on Paper
  • Catalog No: 1129-67-15-13/40

Muy Agamal Molar Rrark (My Big Yam Story) tells the story about how we gather yams for food. There are several different types yams we like to eat. When we gather them we always leave some behind left in the ground or we replant the tops. That way when we come back to that spot there will be more growing for next time. Yams are traditional food of our old people. They would cook them by roasting them in the ashes and coals of a fire. We still eat them today and cook them the same way. We also like to put them in a casserole backed in a modern day oven.


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