Baluk Arts

The Koala, 2023


  • 29.5cm x 21cm
  • 2023
  • Watercolour paints on watercolour paper
  • Catalog No: 56-214-23

Bea Nambooka Edwards is a well known local Aboriginal artist. She was taught how to paint by her grandmother and her work is about flora and fauna, nature and spirituality, and Indigenous development. Bea’s work is strikingly bold, distinctive and unique. Bea is a keen community worker with a deep understanding of Aboriginal issues and is currently the Manager of Winja Ulupna Women’s Recovery Centre.

This intricate work on paper isn’t just a beautiful depiction of nature, Aunty Bea creates the work with a message intended. The Koala is the sign of dry times.  When we come to the times in our life when our thinking has slowed and things just don’t seem to flow as well as it could, it is time to nest and let our bodies get nourished again.  Koala teaches us this.
