Garraŋunuŋ – Hammerhead Shark, 2024


  • 23cm x 130cm
  • 2024
  • Ochre on bark
  • Catalog No: 168-24

These are Garraŋunuŋ, the Hammerhead Shark.

Garraŋunuŋ is from Ḻuŋgutja, an island belonging to the Gupapuyŋu Birrkili clan in Arnhem Bay.

The artist George Milaypuma explains:

Garraŋunuŋ, he’s a quiet one. Not like other big sharks, or stingrays or barracuda. They got sharp teeth and barbs. They’re little bit danger one, maḏakarritj (angry and aggressive).

Garraŋunuŋ just has a big nose and small teeth. But his manikay (ceremonial song cycle) says that he’s maḏakarritj. So maybe he is danger one… So you better be careful!”

The manikay song cycle is shared with neighbouring clan Gupapuyŋu Ḏaygurrgurr and describes how the hammerhead uses his large nose to hunt and fight,  referencing certain species of fish and stingray which it favours.


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