Larratitja, 2024


  • 108cm x 11cm x 11cm
  • 2024
  • Ochre on bark
  • Catalog No: 128-24

The Larratitja (barracuda) is a significant totem animal for the Malarra people and their homeland at Marrungga, a remote island to the east of Milingimbi. Larratitja has travelled to Marrunga from an island on the western side of Gali’winku named Djaytja or Marangurrnyinanga to hunt and in doing so has created a sand bar on the eastern side of the island. Larratitja swims back to the east after reaching Marrungga, following the outgoing tide. The Rarrk or hatching in this work represents ocean currents through which Larratitja is swimming.
