Ngapa Jukurrpa Water Dreaming


  • 800cm x 300cm
  • Catalog No: 1124-580-18

This Jukurrpa (Dreaming) teaches about rain and water, which brings life to the Tanami desert. This story is about the importance of the wet season and how it sustains the life of the animals and the plants and the people of the desert. Rain travels around our country. Water fills the creeks, the waterholes, then overflows to spread across the lands.

The Jangala/Nangala and Jampijinpa/Nampijinpa skin goups are the traditional custodians of this Jukurrpa. Whenever this story is sung or danced or painted, it is confirmed by the Kurdungurlu, who is of the Japaljarri/Napaljarri or Japanangka/Napanangka skin groups.
